Norway to open protected rivers to hydropower plants

The Norwegian parliament recently voted to permit hydropower plants in protected rivers, igniting strong opposition from environmental groups concerned about wildlife preservation. The new legislation allows power plants larger than 1MW to be constructed if deemed beneficial to society and environmentally acceptable. Critics, including Green MP Une Bastholm and conservationists, argue this decision threatens Norway's pristine waterways, which have been safeguarded for over a century. Despite significant public opposition, highlighted by a 25,000-signature petition, supporters claim environmental criteria remain stringent for hydropower development.
Une Bastholm, a Green member of parliament, described the proposal as a historic attack on Norwegian nature when it was unveiled last week.
Truls Gulowsen, head of the Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature, said: We will fight for every single protected watercourse, for every river, every waterfall and every lake.
Campaigners protested outside the Norwegian parliament on Tuesday and presented a petition opposing hydropower development in protected waterways that they said gathered 25,000 signatures.
Supporters of the proposal claim critics have hyped up the dangers to nature. The criteria for approval remains unchanged and companies seeking to build hydropower dams would still face strict assessments.
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