Recasting Three-Peak Exclusion Limits on B L Dark Matter via Accelerometer Studies | HackerNoon

To recast our limits on β shown in Fig. 4 into one on the parameter of interest for this model, the gauge coupling strength gB−L, we must define four quantities. Firstly, we must make clear what the quantity A is for this experiment, which will depend on both the model and the signal of interest for this sensor. Secondly, we must choose an observation time, Tobs. Thirdly, we must elaborate on what the concrete noise profile, σ(ω), for this type of experiment is. Lastly, and least importantly following from our discussion above, we must choose a latitude for the experiment. Once these are known, Eq. (2.8) can be re-arranged for gB−L, giving us our model- and experiment-specific 90% CL limit.
For B − L coupled dark photon dark matter, the relevant signal is a differential acceleration. This is given by Eq. (2.6) in the time domain, with a now concrete choice for A, where gB−L must be evaluated for experimental outcomes to observe dark matter signals accurately.
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