Louise Snouck Hurgronje, a theater producer and antiques dealer, shares her passion for collecting vintage items in her beautifully preserved 17th-century canal house in Amsterdam. With her partner Alexander Wijs, they have filled the home with treasures that tell stories rather than renovating it. They cherish the original details of the house, even its narrow staircase, and have created a unique blend of furniture from different periods, crafting a joyful and eclectic living space reflective of their personalities and history with each object.
"When we first entered this house before buying it, it felt like we had stepped back in time. The house was in its original state, with all the 17th-century walls and floors, and books were piled high in every room."
"We didn't want to renovate or alter the house at all; it is precious to us as we found it. Its tiny, narrow little Amsterdam staircase may be considered a death-trap by friends, but these are the details we love so dearly about it."
"Someone once commented, 'Nothing Matches, but it works.' And that is very much how we love to live. Everything has a story - whether it is the bench in the kitchen, which we bought from an antiques dealer in the street, to the mirror, which my godmother gifted us for our wedding."