"NEVER give your date your real number. If I feel like texting them, I'll give them a Google Voice number or a texting app number. If they creep me out at any point, I can block them or get a new texting number and feel safe they can never contact me again." -Anonymous, 30, Oregon
"I always go on the same first date: breakfast at the local family restaurant. It isn't dark outside, breakfast is the lowest key meal, and there is always a group of regulars there that have nothing better to do than people watch. Plus, it's breakfast, so if it doesn't go well, it is easy to get out of the date because people usually have other stuff going on during the day." -Anonymous, 28, Wisconsin
"ALWAYS drive yourself. I've had too many dates where the boy picked me up, and then I was stuck there. If the date is going poorly or you're uncomfortable, you always want to have a way to leave quickly. Or, conversely - if you don't drive - have a friend on standby that can come pick you up if you text them." -Anonymous
"I recently saw a TikTok where a girl explained that, if you live in an apartment complex and feel like someone is following you home, you shouldn't turn the lights on right away when you get inside. If you do, it can tip them off as to which exact unit you live in, because that window will suddenly light up. Instead, wait a little bit, and then turn it on." -Anonymous