15 Wild Secrets About The Food Industry, Straight From Chefs, Servers, And Other Employees

Produce retailer here. Be sure to rinse your fruits and vegetables really well because we sure don't get paid enough to care what happens to them before and after they reach the shelves. Seriously though, it gets gross. Sometimes the fruits and vegetables are covered in unidentified water, or they're rotting from the inside, and we just don't know it. Or maybe it just fell on the dirty floor, and we put it back on the shelf. The list goes on.
In college, I worked in the restaurant business (pizza, breakfast, and then fine dining), and people don't wash their hands nearly as often as you'd think they should. And these were all very nice restaurants - top health scores and really good management. It's unrealistic for servers and cooks to properly wash their hands before and after touching food. You'd be washing your hands 300 times per shift. Honestly, working in the restaurant industry made me just completely desensitized to germs because unwashed hands touch all over your food all the time, and no one cares, and no one gets sick. I think people underestimate how many germs get into your body per day and how well your body handles that. Unless someone who's actually sick is touching your food, it's really not a big deal.
I've worked grocery, and yes, there are always products in the back. The way grocery works is every time a product gets scanned, the computer automatically orders more. The people who stock just take forever/are only allowed to stock certain aisles or products. So, whoever said that they don't have an item is lying. They just don't have the authority to go back there and grab something or want to.
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