Wellesley, a town 15 miles west of Boston, has been named Massachusetts' biggest boomtown, showcasing that growth isn't limited to major cities. Known for Wellesley College, it has seen its residents earn an average income of $110,000. A recent GoBankingRates ranking highlighted Wellesley's economic expansion, population growth, and housing market trends. Historically affluent, Wellesley's development began as early as 1880 with the introduction of essential services. The town has consistently maintained a commitment to progress and quality of life, helping stabilize it as a premier suburban community in Greater Boston.
The citizens of Wellesley, both collectively and individually, are constantly endeavoring to obtain for their town, their homes and themselves all that is best from Nature and Art.
Wellesley, best known for its prestigious women's liberal arts college, has emerged as Massachusetts' fastest-growing community, with residents raking in an average income of at least $110,000.
Wellesley's designation as Massachusetts' biggest boomtown marks a shift in the state's economic landscape, with rapid growth and prosperity now extending beyond major cities.
By 1920s, Wellesley had solidified its status as one of Greater Boston's premier suburban enclaves, boasting a thriving railroad network and Massachusetts' first golf course.