Two original dancers of Riverdance, Niamh O'Connor and Colm O'Sé, share insights on how the show, which began in 1994, transformed their lives. Ahead of a 30-year celebration in 2023, they recall how Riverdance evolved from a short Eurovision performance to a full-length spectacular that dazzled audiences worldwide. O'Sé, whose family founded a renowned dance school, experienced the early magic of rehearsals, while O'Connor, who had to prioritize her studies at that time, reflects on the show's immense impact on the dance world and their careers.
"I would have been somewhat sceptical of how you build a seven-minute interval performance into a show. But I think the producers were enormously courageous in making it the phenomenon that it became."
"When rehearsals started that autumn, I remember showing up and all the crew were there with the international acts and suddenly there was this electricity in the air."