Drinking leftover water that's been sitting out is generally safe, though its taste can be affected over time. Uncovered water absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, leading to a drop in pH, which results in a sour flavor. Additionally, other chemicals in tap water, like chlorine, can dissipate, altering its taste further. The flavor changes are particularly noticeable in various sources of water, meaning some might taste worse than others if left uncovered. Ultimately, while health risks are minimal, the experience may be less pleasant for your palate.
When a glass of water rests uncovered for hours, its composition will change somewhat, triggering a reaction that prompts pH levels to drop and gives the liquid a sour twang.
Although leaving a glass of water out overnight will definitely impact taste, it's worth noting that, because not all water is sourced or processed in the same way, gustatory changes may be more pronounced in certain types of H2O.