As a mother of four daughters, I've found the teenage years to be unexpectedly challenging. My 14-year-old often ignores or insults me, which I've learned not to take personally. Despite the difficulties, I've prioritized maintaining open communication and have found that exercising together can strengthen our bond. While my teenage daughter pushes me away, I relate to her struggles because I exhibited similar behavior. Finding shared passions like fitness has provided us a connection point to help navigate this tumultuous phase of parenting.
Having a teen daughter is wonderful, funny, messy, eye-opening, and joyful but can also be scary. You can’t kid yourself that you have control over anything.
I never wanted to be my child's "best friend," yet our relationship changed seemingly overnight as she began to ignore and insult me.
Initially, I took it personally when my daughter rolled her eyes or gave me monosyllabic answers, but now I prioritize keeping communication open.
Exercising together has become one love language between us, helping to bridge the gap created during her teenage years.