Common texting mistake makes you seem too INTENSE

Researchers at Binghampton University discovered that adding extra periods to text messages can convey heightened emotional intensity. Their study focused on two textisms: the 'nonstandard period,' where a full stop follows each word, and a format where words are separated into distinct text bubbles. Both methods were found to increase perceived intensity. This aligns with earlier research indicating that full stops can make text messages seem insincere, illustrating how people navigate emotional communication in texting by using punctuation and visual modifications to simulate the subtleties of spoken language.
'When a period is present in a text where it is not needed grammatically, or when a sentence is broken into a series of one-word texts, this serves a specific communicative function.'
'When speaking, people easily convey social and emotional information with eye gaze, facial expressions, tone of voice, pauses and so on... Thus, it makes sense that texters rely on what they have available to them.'
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