'We Will Not Fade Away,' directed by Alisa Kovalenko, explores the lives of teenagers in the war-torn Donbas region of Ukraine before Russia's 2022 invasion. Capturing their dreams amid violence, the film follows Andriy, Ruslan, Ilya, Lisa, and Lera, who win a trip to the Himalayas, offering an escape from their war-torn reality. Despite moments of joy on their journey, the film contrasts these fleeting happiness with ongoing struggles. Through poignant imagery, the film examines the resilience and hopes of youth in a landscape marked by economic and emotional challenges, ultimately ending on a note of hope and companionship.
At one point, the camera lingers on a bullet-ridden wall on which flowers and graffiti are drawn. This small but striking moment articulates the resilient spirit of this mining town, where beauty can still bloom in the face of violence.
Economic precariousness also casts a dark shadow over the future of the young generation. In one scene, Ruslan spends a day in a coal mine working alongside his father, who intends this experience to be both a lesson and warning.
But these moments of friendship are fleeting next to the coda, which reveals the heartbreaking fates of the friendship group. However the film closes not with despair but golden-tinged footage of the teenagers in happier days.
The exciting prospect of the trek, with the promise of majestic vistas and new encounters, starkly contrasts with their everyday reality where the sounds of bombs and gunshots are so commonplace that they barely warrant a reaction.