Saturday BP: What bobbleheads would you like to see the Giants do?

The article celebrates the San Francisco Giants' culture of promotional giveaways, particularly their bobblehead designs that fans cherish. Highlighting personal favorites like the Buster Hugs set featuring Buster Posey, the author shares excitement about upcoming giveaways, including iconic figures like Barry Bonds and Stephen Curry. The piece invites fan engagement by asking which bobbleheads they would like to see next, emphasizing the fun and nostalgic connection these collectibles create for baseball enthusiasts.
If there's one thing that the San Francisco Giants as an organization consistently do right, it is their promotional giveaways. Especially their bobbleheads.
This season will feature a bobblehead giveaways for Matt Chapman, Barry Bonds, and Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry.
If I could have asked for a bobblehead designed specifically for me, it would have featured Brandon Belt in either the giraffe costume and leather jacket from his commercial.
Read at McCovey Chronicles