In Carlsbad, California, students in Magnolia Elementary School's broadcasting club, MagTV, engage in creative storytelling by producing a podcast about a classmate, Leeland Corman, who endured a severe brain injury. Their podcast, titled 'Bouncing Back', showcases Leeland's recovery journey, incorporating audio interviews and testimonials from family, friends, and teachers, thereby providing a comprehensive view of his support system. The club's previous success in NPR's Student Podcast Challenge demonstrates their skills and the powerful impact of their work on the community and themselves.
Their assignment, written on the whiteboard filled with this month's production calendar, was to listen to an episode of a podcast.
Bouncing Back follows Leeland Corman, who experienced a severe brain injury that day.
In their podcast, the students followed Leeland's journey, leading up to the dramatic moment when he returned to school.