The author reflects on their experiences at a sports bar during NHL playoffs, expressing frustration over limited drink options for gluten intolerant patrons. Having stopped drinking beer due to its effects and worsening gluten intolerance, the writer critiques the lack of wine and shot special deals typically available for beer drinkers. They call for bars to introduce affordable combinations of quality wines with accompanying shots, highlighting the desire for an inclusive drinking experience that doesn’t break the bank for those avoiding traditional options.
I stopped drinking beer about 10 years ago because it makes me feel awful. And with each passing year, my gluten intolerance gets worse.
I love a good cocktail and a neat whiskey and a dive bar pinot grigio, but sometimes I want a little less, or a little more.
Drinking is expensive these days, meaning I'd love for bars to cut me a deal just like they do for the beer drinkers.
If you're pouring me a $15 glass of Cavit pinot grigio, maybe you can throw in a shot of Wild Turkey 101 or Evan Williams for a couple of bucks more.