The Best Type Of Wine To Pair With Butternut Squash Soup - Tasting Table

Butternut squash soup is enriched by roasting that intensifies its sweet flavor, making wine pairing crucial. Wine educator Lexi Stephens suggests off-dry wines like Vouvray or Riesling, which possess a touch of sweetness to complement the soup's flavor without making it taste bitter. These wines not only balance the soup's richness but also feature honeyed fruit notes that echo the dish's own flavors. Additionally, both wine choices harmonize particularly well with spicy variations, such as Thai-style butternut squash soup that includes exotic ingredients like ginger and lemongrass.
Bhofack2/Getty Images Sweet, earthy butternut squash soup has a decadent feel that's fit for wine. The creamy soup features roasted squash and an array of spices, giving it a complex, caramelized flavor that shouldn't be overshadowed by the wrong drink.
Rieslings have notes of honeyed fruits like apples, peaches, apricots, and pears, giving them a fresh yet sweet taste that pairs well with butternut squash soup.
Sweetness in food can make wine taste more bitter, and the best way to combat this is to make sure the wine is sweeter than the food.
Thanks to their sweet, acidic flair, both of Stephens's picks work well for sipping alongside spicy soup. A chilled glass of Vouvray or Riesling are perfect for a bowl of Thai-style butternut squash soup.
Read at Tasting Table