Woman, life, freedom': the Syrian feminists who forged a new world in a land of war

The article highlights the powerful role of women in Rojava, Syria, as they gather in a conference hall to celebrate their identity and freedom. Mizgin Tahir, a singer, delivers an empowering message that emphasizes women’s capability to contribute to history beyond traditional roles. The atmosphere is filled with energy and solidarity as women from diverse backgrounds cheer and encourage artistic expression. The text contrasts the current struggle of these women with the historical context of oppression under the Assad regime while acknowledging their determination to fight for their rights and freedoms, encapsulated in their chant 'jin jiyan azadi' (woman, life, freedom).
Being a woman, says the woman standing on the stage in front of me, doesn't mean I am just here to raise children. Being a woman means that I am here to write history. Women can speak. We can sing. Nobody will silence us.
Tahir has now finished her speech and is about to return to her chair, but the women in the hall won't let her. Sing for us! they call.
When she has finished, the hall of women rise to their feet to chant jin jiyan azadi (woman, life, freedom) with their right hands raised in a peace sign.
Read at www.theguardian.com