Tropical Cyclone Alfred is expected to impact Queensland and northern New South Wales, possibly creating chaos for millions. Residents should have a recovery plan ready, prioritizing safety by staying indoors until authorities say it’s safe. Essential services may be disrupted, making it imperative to have reliable communication and safety sources. Utilize digital disaster dashboards, local radio stations, and conserve battery by using text messaging. Knowing the safest rooms in the home and the waiting period for recovery services are critical for minimizing risk during the post-cyclone phase.
Before you leave your safe room, ensure it's been declared safe by authorities. Wind gusts can be unpredictable, and flood waters may still be a threat.
Even after the storm passes, you may have to stay inside for a day or so as essential services could be disrupted. Planning ahead is essential.
In Queensland, every council maintains a digital disaster dashboard, crucial for checking updates on conditions post-cyclone.
For communications, use SMS/texts conservatively; they're more likely to succeed than voice calls and help of conserve battery.
#tropical-cyclone-alfred #disaster-preparedness #emergency-management #safety-tips #community-recovery