In January 2017, National Geographic published a Gender Revolution issue aiming to address the complexities of sex and gender. Seven years later, discussions around gender often devolve into contentious debates, overshadowing the larger spectrum of gender identity beyond just transgender women. Bossiere's upcoming memoir, 'Cactus Country,' is intended to highlight experiences of gender fluidity, in contrast to the prevalent narrow binary view. The author, who has a background in writing and teaching, seeks to bring more depth to the conversation through personal narrative.
The issue was short-listed for a Pulitzer Prize and is one of the few editions of the magazine this cisgender writer has kept on his shelf.
Transgender itself is not a binary-not, in other words, 'just' biological males and females who transition to the 'other,' as if there were only one 'other.'
Cactus Country: A Boyhood Memoir by Portland writer Zoë Bossiere...stands as a corrective, filling in a blank with a story about gender fluidity.
One chapter, The Beetle King, was published last year in a literary magazine.