Miss Manners: Can I pretend I don't know what happened on my friends' trip?

The article discusses social etiquette when it comes to navigating potentially awkward situations involving friends and their relationships. The correspondent is concerned about a mutual friend's vacation mishap and how to respond to inquiries from the boss's wife while maintaining diplomacy. Additionally, there’s a scenario involving an intruding mother-in-law during dinner preparation, highlighting the need for respectful communication regarding personal boundaries. Miss Manners suggests strategies for defusing awkward inquiries and emphasizes the importance of tact in maintaining friendships and family relations.
If the boss's wife is smart, she will also be prepared: It was such a remarkable place. Are you and your husband getting away this summer?
One generally assumes that the boss's wife is not the pork-chop-throwing type of hostess, but given your friend's reports from the trip, you are right to be prepared.
A ready answer to a question of, Did you hear about the trip? can save you from having to outright lie: Oh? How was it? Did you two have a wonderful time?
I was in the middle of cooking dinner and had timed it so that I could do other things while the food was in the oven... pulled out a kitchen chair and sat down!
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