Waymo Passenger Says He Was Late to the Airport Because Robocar Kept Doing Circles In a Parking Lot

"This autonomous vehicle said to heck with GPS, [and] the car just went around in circles, eight circles at that," rider Mike Johns wrote. "Is someone pulling a prank, is this car hacked? It felt like a scene in a sci fi thriller."
A Waymo customer support agent can be heard saying, "it appears the car might be experiencing some routing issue." The incident resulted in a five-minute delay for Johns, who was able to make his flight in time.
"It's the future of where things are going so I'm definitely a part of that," said Johns, who is an artificial intelligence consultant, reflecting on the significance of autonomous vehicles despite their mishaps.
Waymo stated they completed a "regularly scheduled maintenance event" on their software after the incident to address potential issues in the future.
Read at sfist.com