The 2 Best Substitutes To Use In Gumbo When You Don't Have File On Hand - Tasting Table

Gumbo's rich culinary tradition includes the essential use of filé powder, known for its thickening properties and unique sassafras flavor. Chef Johnnie Gale explains that while filé enhances gumbo, there are viable alternatives like okra or cornstarch if it's unavailable. Okra's distinct flavor and texture may alter the gumbo experience, especially when combined with filé. Gale advises against using both to maintain the desired consistency. This nuanced understanding underscores the complexity of creating authentic gumbo while navigating ingredient availability.
Gale emphasizes, "Filé is used at the end of cooking gumbo and is used as a thickening agent, and for its earthy flavor of sassafras leaves."
"Okra can be used instead of filé powder," she says, "but it will have a distinct okra flavor..."
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