The Best Type Of Sugar For Perfectly Caramelized Roast Beef - Tasting Table

The article emphasizes the importance of seasoning and using unrefined brown sugar when roasting beef. It highlights that brown sugar not only acts as a tenderizer but also promotes caramelization, resulting in a desirable crust due to the Maillard reaction. The article explains that this sugar draws moisture, creating a juicy interior and a richly flavored outer crust. It positions brown sugar as a vital ingredient to elevate the flavor profile of roast beef without making it overly sweet, enhancing both texture and taste.
Brown sugar may be what's missing in your roast beef recipe because, like its counterpart salt, it acts as a tenderizer.
When roasted, the outside of the meat will sear and create a barrier that allows the interior to stay juicy.
Without getting too scientific, it's the coming together of amino acids and sugars to create the browning in meat that is sweet, savory, rich, and buttery in flavor.
Unrefined brown sugar works best for this, as the larger sugar crystals cook more evenly and create more of a crust on the roast.
Read at Tasting Table