Nigel Slater's recipe for ricotta and spring onion pancakes

Remove the roots and very dark tips of the leaves from 3 spring onions. Finely chop the remaining parts of the spring onions. In a shallow pan, warm 20g of butter and 2 tbsp of olive oil, then add the spring onions and leave to cook for a good 5-7 minutes, until soft. Finely chop 2 tbsp of tarragon and stir in. Let the mixture cool a little.
Meanwhile, lightly mash 250g of ricotta with a fork. Separate 4 eggs, yolks in one bowl, whites in another. Beat the yolks lightly with a fork then stir in the ricotta, softened spring onions and tarragon.
To lend an extra savoury note, you can scatter in a few tablespoons of finely grated parmesan. To ensure there are no lumps of egg white in your batter, beat the whites to a soft, frothy mound, rather than stiff enough to stand up in peaks.
Place the pan over a low heat. Warm 25g of butter and a splash of olive oil in the pan, then add two large spoonfuls of the batter. Let the pancakes cook for a couple of minutes, or until lightly coloured on the underside.
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