'Thanks to a book I found in the charity shop, I'm the fittest I've ever been - and I only exercise for 12 minutes a week'

Dan Deadman's journey towards weight loss began 11 years ago when he discovered the book 'Body by Science' in a charity shop. This book introduced him to a unique method that emphasizes power training for just 12 minutes a week, promoting significant body toning and weight loss. Deadman, a novice in fitness at the time, found this approach not only manageable but also highly effective, leading to an immense improvement in his health over the years. This serendipitous find catalyzed a substantial change in his lifestyle.
When Dan Deadman picked up a book in a charity shop, he discovered a life-changing fitness regime focused on just 12 minutes of exercise per week.
Body by Science presents a revolutionary approach to weight loss and body conditioning, advocating for impactful results with minimal time investment.
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