A recent study reveals that regular yogurt consumption may lower the risk of specific aggressive colon cancers by enhancing the gut microbiome. Researchers analyzed data from over 150,000 participants over three decades, discovering that those who consumed at least two servings of yogurt weekly exhibited a reduced incidence of Bifidobacterium-positive proximal colon cancers, which are associated with poorer survival rates. Dr. Tomotaka Ugai emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy balance of gut bacteria to prevent inflammation and subsequent cancer risk, advocating for yogurt as a beneficial dietary choice.
Humans have been consuming yogurt for millennia. Ancient texts dating back to 6,000 B.C. reference its health-promoting properties.
Yogurt may be good for maintaining a good microbiome in our body, says Dr. Tomotaka Ugai, a co-senior author of the study.
Specifically, the researchers found that the habitual yogurt eaters had lower rates of Bifidobacterium-positive proximal colon cancers.
My message is, if you like yogurt, go for it, Ugai says.