The Scary Mommy Guide To Talking With Your Teen About TikTok Safety

When it comes to TikTok, the way teens experience it is markedly different from adults. For instance, a 13-to-15-year-old's account automatically has privacy settings that limit their exposure. This means their content won't show up in feeds where they might not be ready for the audience, thereby not going viral but also offering them a safer platform.
It's crucial to engage teens in a dialogue about social media safety that involves listening and understanding, rather than lecturing them. Approaching these discussions with curiosity helps to build trust and respect, enabling parents to guide their children more effectively as they navigate the complexities of social media.
TikTok has set up a variety of safety measures specifically designed for younger users, making it easier for caregivers to collaborate with their teens in understanding the platform. The presence of such tools not only enhances safety but fosters an ongoing conversation about responsible online behaviors.
Parents today are raising teens in a world fundamentally different from their own childhood experiences, characterized by ubiquitous technology. As the first generation of Millennials to do so, it’s essential to address the unique challenges and opportunities presented by modern platforms like TikTok.
Read at Scary Mommy