The Tally Counter Two-Step Stress Hack

The article emphasizes the pervasive impact of stress in modern life, highlighting how it affects many adults and leads to severe health issues like heart disease and depression. It contrasts ancient survival mechanisms of stress, which were beneficial, with today's constant stressors that drain mental and physical resources. Stress once helped our ancestors survive predatory threats, but frequent activation in contemporary life results in vulnerabilities and illness, as the body prioritizes immediate survival over long-term health. A simple, two-step approach to managing stress is suggested as part of the solution.
Stress isn't just something we "deal with". It's a flashing light on your mental dashboard, telling you that something needs your attention.
Up to 80 percent of adults regularly experience moderate to high levels of stress, tying it to higher risks of inflammation, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and depression.
Frequent activation of stress drains resources and leaves the body vulnerable, leading to more frequent illness as survival takes priority over immunity.
In acute situations, stress saved lives by improving reaction times and enhancing concentration and memory formation.
Read at Psychology Today