Zaire Alberick, a 3-year-old boy, tragically drowned in a Westchester stream shortly after wandering from his home. His disappearance sparked a frantic search by his family and neighbors. Authorities found his body in the Mamaroneck River, approximately two blocks from his home, after he had drowned and been carried downstream. Zaire's mother, Derly Dorval, was working to establish a new life for them both after relocating, and is now devastated by the loss of her only child. The family is seeking community support through a fundraiser for funeral expenses.
Derly Dorval, Zaire's mother, is currently hospitalized due to her grief of losing her only son. She had just started a new life in Mamaroneck.
Devastation and heartbreak echoed from the family as they shared, 'Both she and Zaire's father, Zanetti Alberick, are devastated.' They are grappling with an unimaginable loss.