SAVAGE LOVE: Low and Slow

In this column, the author addresses a newly-out gay man who struggles with neediness and incessant texting as he navigates his first experiences with kink. The author acknowledges that receiving negative feedback about being too intense is a signal for change. He suggests the individual seek a supportive friend to vent to, allowing him to moderate his communication with potential partners. This way, he can express gratitude to those who show interest without overwhelming them with constant messages.
If you've gotten unambiguous "you're too intense/you're too much/you're too needy" feedback from multiple guys - verbal and/or non-verbal - you should be able to correct course.
How do I parent myself through this situation and stop pushing Daddies away with my neediness? I mean, you may have just come out, BLOWIT, but you're a grown-ass man...
Then after blowing up your friend's phone for 24 hours, you can send a single thank-you text to the nice guy who set up his sling for you and let him know you'd love to take another ride.
Read at Portland Mercury