Portland Mayor Orders Managerial Staff Back in Office Full Time

"Managers and supervisors set the tone and culture for staff across our city," Wilson stated. "High-performing organizations across the nation have shown us it's possible to bring people back together, while also remaining flexible."
Wilson's letter reads, "Your input is well-heard, and I have carefully considered what's best for our organization before making this decision." Under existing policy, in-person managers may continue to flex time to go to appointments or family commitments.
The change will impact about 700 people who currently work partially or fully remotely. Earlier talk of requiring in-person work of all city employees didn't go over well.
The new mandate only applies to managerial employees and supervisors, who aren't typically represented by labor unions. The mayor's announcement comes as the city and two of its primary labor unions have hit an impasse in contract negotiations.
Read at Portland Mercury