The phone to save us from our phones

"Every Sunday morning, Apple sends out the dreaded 'Screen Time' report. I'm not going to share mine, I'm too ashamed. I know I'm not alone in wishing that number was lower."
"There are times I wish I could abandon my smartphone sometimes, but it also offers far too many conveniences as well. When hiking, I want to be off the grid, but Alltrails is also invaluable when trails become unclear."
"To understand this, we need to rewind back to the early 2010s. The iPhone completely redefined the idea of a cell phone in 2007 and revolutionized what could be done with a handheld device."
"Apple released the 'Tiny Pod' this summer, and I have now seen it pop up a few times as part of holiday sales and ads. I can't help but feel like Apple is repeating the same product mistakes."
Read at Medium