34 Secrets People Kept - Or Are Still Keeping - From Their Partner That Range From Heartbreaking To Really, Really Dark

Several years ago, my husband's ex-best friend sexually assaulted me. My husband and I were separated at the time, and his friend tried to take advantage of my vulnerable state. We got back together shortly afterward. The same guy who assaulted me is now in jail for being a predator. With that, plus the assault, I know my husband would kill him or beat him within an inch of his life, at the very least.
About six months after I gave birth to my daughter, I got pregnant again. My husband and I were living at his parent's house at the time rent-free, yet we still barely made enough money to support one child. I was devastated when I found out, not only because of the financial burden but also because my mental health made it a struggle to be a good mom to the kid I already had. I wanted an abortion, and my husband agreed with me that it was the best option for us at the time.
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