23 years.23 years. That's how long I have been a music manager. 23 years ago a 19 year old kid started managing an artist named Cato in Atlanta, GA and my journey began...“Forrest Gump”-like life while witnessing and taking part in the journeys of some of the most extraordinarily talented people the world has ever seen.
This chapter as a music manager has come to an end...As my children got older, and my personal life took some hits, I came to the realization that my kids were 3 superstars I wasn't willing to lose. The sacrifices I was once willing to make I could no longer justify. It was time to step into a new role.
In this next chapter I have been honored to join as a board member of Hybe and serve as the CEO of Hybe America...he has become a true friend who understands where I must be in my life these days. And that is a father first, a CEO second, and a manager no more.
life doesn't hand you YOUR plan, it hands you GOD's plan... It wasn't until last summer that this new chapter became a reality. One of my biggest clients and friends told me that they wanted to spread their wings and go in a new direction.