Cooking crawfish can appear simple, but it requires attention to avoid overcooking. Chef Johnnie Gale recommends boiling crawfish for five minutes, then turning off the heat and allowing them to soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Signs that the crawfish are perfectly cooked include bright red coloration, shell splitting, and texture firmness. For easy cleanup, serve the crawfish on a newspaper-lined table, allowing for straightforward disposal post-meal. These techniques will guide anyone to enjoy properly cooked crawfish.
Boil crawfish for five minutes and turn off the burner. Let the crawfish soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Some add a stick of butter to help them peel easier.
Signs that crawfish are overcooked include a bright red color, a split in the shell, and a firm texture. Cooked crawfish also tend to float.
Drain crawfish and pour them out onto a newspaper-lined table. After eating, crumple up the newspaper with all the peelings and corn cobs inside.
After boiling, once the water comes back to a boil, it’s time to add the crawfish, which should cook perfectly with proper soaking.