The article discusses a revival of early 2000s advertising styles, seen in recent Super Bowl spots. Brands like Bud Light and Carl's Jr. are re-embracing cheeky humor and sexualization that had waned post-Me Too and in a culturally sensitive landscape. Marketers suggest this shift isn’t political but rather a cultural recalibration, with brands seeking to reconnect with audiences through relatable and playful messaging, moving away from previously preachy tones of communication.
"I think a lot of brands up until perhaps recently took somewhat of a preachy tone with the audience." - John Ludeke, vp of marketing at Dr. Squatch.
"This swing, though, is not a political issue... a recalibration that will see some brands letting loose, going for humor and sex appeal that had fallen out of favor."
"Carl's Jr., meanwhile, made headlines last week for its Super Bowl marketing... resuming a marketing strategy the brand left behind in 2017."
" Bud Light's spot, 'Big Men on the Cul-de-sac'... could be viewed as a return to form for the brand, leaning on cheeky humor targeting men."